Friday, September 20, 2002

Make a Moon
Ok this is the official cool game of the week. Move and click your mouse on the screen and launch a little meteriorite. The aim is to see if you can create an orbiting moon. ....or you can just have fun bombarding the Earth with tiny meteriorites.
Weird man in lycra bunny suit. This scares me, check it out!
I don't know why I do it, but I've started hunting out the most ridiculous dog fanciers websites. Try as I might you can't go past the sick sick people who own maltese dogs... they should be all lined up against a wall and have their internet connections taken away from them.

Here's just a few
Evil little snarlers
Walking door mats
Satanic Canines

Be afraid, be very afraid....

My good friend from Virginia, Mike 'Bubba' Scanlin, sent me this photo of his prized possession that hangs in his lounge...
So what does happen to all those ridiculous butter scultpures that chefs create? They get sold on eBay of course. I like the uses they found for this one.

Top 10 Things to do with a 50-pound butter PDA

10. Message & track incredibly large butter-sculpted
mobile workers, field service vehicles
9. Justification for extreme refrigeration of all
Best Buy stores
8. Beaming butter business card to fellow techies
at networking events
7. Show up techies that purchased the Claudia
Schiffer edition Palm V
6. Reading butter-Palm compatible book titles during
long commute home
5. Highly unusual tech support call to Palm: "You
say your PDA is melting?"
4. Healthy Midwestern snack that melts in your mouth
not in your Palm
3. Cinnamon toast, lots of cinnamon toast
2. Freeze & deliver to Palm CEO, Carl Yankowski in
Christmas gift basket
1. Allow cows to manage busy schedule of milking,
grazing, sleeping
eBay advertisement for USAF HUGHES AIM-4D FALCON MISSILE REAL THING goes on to mention that it is 'disarmed no warhead' Damn, they go get your hopes up... but they do say What a great conversation piece this will make!!!. I can just imagine that conversations you friends will have with this in the middle of your lounge...
Do you want MORE POWER? Do you have a city that is running a little dim? Then on eBay you can pick up a 948 MEGAWATT Power Generator
Be the envy of your friends......
Make you cat's fur stand on end......
Microwave your food without a microwave.....
I think someone may be onto a winner here. Got a drug test coming up? Worried about the spliff you skinned up after dinner last night? Go to eBay and buy drug free urine Why do I think that this person may actually be making some money from this one?
Heh you wanna buy your very own ELIAN GONZALEZ Yes that's right, that little Cuban boatboy who was taken at gunpoint by Federal Agents, only on eBay
OK so should you be in the market for Serial Killer FINGERNAILS Signed, go to
I collect Bricks I do
Have you heard of the British Brick Society? No? I think that's a good thing....

I like the bit in their membership application form

My special interests in brick, to be noted in the Society's Membership List * are:

