Friday, October 18, 2002

Pen spinning apparently has quite a following in Japan. Have a look at this wesbite which has a number of amazing movie clips for you to look at (Don't worry the clips are small but pretty cool to watch).
Are they cheating on you?? Not sure? Then you need
Are you worried that your children are having
sex with somene you don't know about? Is your
partner cheating on you? Worry no more. For a
modest fee, this company will go through their
smalls and check for traces of the sticky stuff

Forensex laboratories corp, catchy name...
Freestyle Wheelbarrow Stunts

Its amazing what you can do with a wheelbarrow and the video is worth a watch. Although New Zealand DB Export drinkers have been doing it for years
'Why did you steal 40,000 hotel coat hangers, knowing that hotel coat hangers are designed to be useless outside hotel wardrobes?'
Independent 15 October 2002

A most extraordinary trial is going on in the High Court at the moment in which a man named Chrysler is accused of stealing more than 40,000 coat hangers from hotels round the world. He admits his guilt, but in his defence he claims that – well, perhaps it would be simpler just to bring you a brief extract from the trial. We join the case at the point where Chrysler has just taken the stand. Here
Thanks to Simon Elms for passing this one on

p.s. I would just like to add that when you look for a picture of a wire coathanger on google, BT comes back with the following message "The page you are accessing is categorised as 'Sex', and blocked from the BT Intranet" Sinister....

Play SIMON SWEARS It brings your childhood flooding back to collide with your adulthood
According to a recent job survey, having a
monitor nobody can see is the second most
important thing after salary.
This week's Weird Website Patrol is brought to you by ALFRED E. PACKER

This is crap… literally
Now I'm not one to normally indulge in toilet humour but this website does remind me of an exercise a colleague and myself did in my first contracting job. We worked out that the time it took us to go and get a Coke from the Coke machine, based on our hourly rate (oh those were the days), meant that the drink actually paid for itself! I'm sure this website has other uses, like I just worked out that publishing this entry would have cost my employer £2.22 had it been during my work time.

Thursday, October 17, 2002


Another weird eBay auction, this time to win the right to represent these traumatised (former) cheese-lovers in their impending lawsuit against the manufacturers of said cheese stick. Sound weird? It's really quite funny and best if you read it yourself here
Random piece of scientific twaddle:

Nuclear reactors as a naturally occuring phenomenon. Yes once upon a time, parts of the countryside would randomly erupt in a massive nuclear explosion. Talk about "dammed if you do and dammed if you don't"
Tres tres cool game even though it is CURLING

Tuesday, October 15, 2002

Thanks to Doug Allen for this classic
Apple Scores Product Placement Deal For The Two Towers.

Making the most of the company's Hollywood connections, Apple has scored a major deal with New Line Cinema for product placement in the next movie in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Two Towers. Product placement is the practice of inserting a company's products into a movie, leveraging the medium to increase brand awareness.

According to a source at New Line who wished to remain anonymous, Apple's products will be seen in at least three scenes.

"Apple was adamant that it wanted the good guys to be using its products," the source said, "They said 'No orcs, no Nazgûl, no Gollum, and no big flamin' eye.' They specifically asked for 'Aragorn, Gandalf and that bad-assed elf dude with the bow.' And they paid handsomely for the privilege."

Movie-goers can expect to see Apple products in the following three scenes:

- When the knights of Rohan surround Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli, each of the three calmly removes their white earbuds and puts away a 20 GB, 10 GB and 5 GB iPod, respectively.

- Upon Gandalf's stunning return as Gandalf the White, a 14" iBook can clearly be seen tucked under his arm.

- In a brief scene after the company convinces King Théoden to fight the forces of Saruman, the decree for civilians to take to the hills is written up on a 17" iMac.

Director Peter Jackson shrugged off complaints that the juxtaposition of computer equipment into the Medieval world of Middle-Earth was a bastardization of author J.R.R. Tolkien's vision.

"There's nothing in the text to indicate the company are not listening to their iPods when the Riddermark rides up," Jackson said. "Besides, do you have any idea how much Apple are paying for this?!"

"I could do The Hobbit and the first few chapters of The Silmarillion on it. I mean... wow."

Further, sources indicate that Apple products will also appear in scenes that will be included on the extended DVD version of the movie, expected to be released a year from now. In one, Elrond details the history of Middle-Earth using an iPhoto slide show and in another Galadriel delivers a 10-minute monologue on how to configure an Airport Base Station.

Monday, October 14, 2002

The secrets of a winning internet brand

use eNormicom to find that killer company name, logo and catchphrase.
I love the way this engine 'runs it up the flagpole' with its focus group...
What am I?
I have the following features:
TV - Watch television on a brilliant 15.1" digital LCD monitor with remote control
Audio - Play music from hi-fi speakers and download MP3s or play radio from the Internet
Internet - Full functionality for e-mailing or web surfing
Photo Album - Take pictures with a built-in digital camera, then save or e-mail them
Messages - Instantly leave messages for family in text (via keyboard or electronic pen), video, or audio
Calendar - Keep track of birthdays, anniversaries, and after school activities
Cooking - Organize favorite recipes or surf for new ones on the Internet
Management - Self-diagnostics detects and informs you of malfunctioning components
Stored Food - Keep track of stored foods and monitor expiration dates
and I weigh 356lbs

Hang on a minute - Stored Food???

Yes, I am a Fridge. The LG Multi-media fridge. Do you find yourself 'always in the kitchen at parties'? Well now you can hang out with your fellow cyber nerds, all stuck in the kitchens of parties around the world ICQ'ing oneanother in the real world of the internet where no one knows about your hairy palms and body odour, rather than partying in 'realtime'. yeh....